

Is the long run of US oil and gas growth almost over?

Every month the US EIA (Energy Information Administration) publishes production estimates for shale gas and LTO (light tight oil AKA

hydrogen city

The Hydrogen Hype (All Over Again): A More Realistic Perspective on the Future of the Hydrogen Economy

Hydrogen’s role in the energy sector has oscillated between periods of enormous hype and subsequent doses of cold realism. Initially


The Revealing History of Neoliberalism and Energy

unravels how neoliberalism transformed energy and enabled vast privatisation and further degraded democratic governance


The Nuclear Gravy Train Just Keeps Rolling Along

Over the last two decades, as public concerns have grown about climate change some high-profile activists have concluded that more


35 Reasons Why Oil Production Might Decline

Putin’s war in Ukraine wars somewhere, anywhere sanctions on Russia lack of access to Russian oil and gas trade war

bp Stats Review 2022 - oil refinery

‘The world remains on an unsustainable path’ – bp’s new Review of World Energy Statistics

Every year, early in the summer, bp produces its Statistical Review of World Energy. Unlike many other energy publications, the


The Natural Gas Paradox

Perhaps we should call September international gas month. To start with, we (in Britain) have serious problems with natural gas

Crude Oil Price 12 April 2019

Distraction and an Illusion

A lot of people seem to think that fracking has ended the global oil crisis and regional gas situation, but

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